After ten months flaring off and on, it’s abundantly clear I’m now in a full-blown PANS relapse. Yes, there’s been OCD, anxiety, tics, depression, and food issues. But they all come and go. What never leaves, and is in fact worsening, is a loss of coordination and motor planning abilities. I’ve never seen an article on PANDAS/PANS and dyspraxia, so it’s time to raise the alarm on this absolute menace of a symptom.
If you feel you can’t do a task you know you’re physically able to do, it could very well be dyspraxia. It isn’t always OCD, depression, or even Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA).
-The Dreaming PANDA
Had I known this fact, I could have saved myself years of suffering and self-loathing. I ask you to please consider sharing this post to help me help the next person who needs to know about dyspraxia. Now, let’s take a deep dive into what PANDAS/PANS and dyspraxia look like and how to help…