When What You Fear Most Is the Right Decision…

I’ve done something scary: I re-applied to grad school. 

Two years ago, I left grad school not completely by choice, but out of necessity when I was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I’d spent that year in grad school living in a completely new part of the country by myself. I’d had a great assistantship. It was all very hard at times, but I learned so much in that year.

So that summer, to become so ill was shocking and devastating. It didn’t compute that I could no longer drive, put away groceries, walk to the mailbox, or even load the dishwasher by myself anymore. There are no words to describe how devastating it feels to become fully dependent on your family at age 24, after having lived by yourself for five years. 

In the physical and emotional state M.E. put me in, there was absolutely no way I could have safely resumed school.

While in the thick of PANS, I had always pushed myself to go back to college every semester even in the worst of times, even when a lot of me thought I couldn’t possibly make it. I had always powered through, consoling myself by knowing that staying in school meant I was still moving forward in life. College had been my anchor to reality and normalcy when I couldn’t otherwise recognize myself or my life due to the brain inflammation. The structured nature of college kept me going.

But this time, it was different. 

While in the worst of PANS in college (except when it showed up as anorexia), I had retained my physical stamina. In fact, I could run ten miles at times when I struggled to put together a sentence. But now that I had Myalgic E. instead, I was so frail that I couldn’t even do five sit-ups without getting ill for a week afterwards. 

My doctor warned that I would permanently worsen my condition if I tried to go back to grad school. I hadn’t wanted to hear it because I thought I could hang onto grad school the way I hung onto college. 

But one morning, it finally all came to a head when it took me four hours to get out of bed because all I could think about was how overwhelming and impossible it seemed to go back to grad school in three weeks. My mom finally came and dragged me downstairs, but I just started sobbing.

“I can’t go back,” I moaned. “I don’t think I can do it.”

“Then don’t.”

I paused, contemplating such a profound statement. But how could I not go back after I’d aced college even with brain inflammation? How could I give up now? And yet I knew she was right, and I knew how relieved I was to think about not going back.

“Maybe I should just transfer to [state university] next semester so I can keep living here,” I said, almost joking.

“That’s actually a good idea.”

I paused, realizing that transferring in grad school, though unorthodox, was a real possibility. “But how could I go there after I’ve gone to [first grad school]?” I countered. “It won’t be the same.”

“Do you want it to be the same? Do you want to be so depressed about going back that it takes you four hours to get out of bed?”

“But,” I started, staring at the floor. “I worked so hard to get there. For years, I tried to do everything right so I could get in.”

“I know, and you earned it. But [state university] is a great school, too,” Mom reminded me. “I think you know you’d have a great experience there––after you’re well enough.”

That afternoon, I finally accepted my circumstances and informed my university that I would not be returning due to my illness.

The thought of transferring to the state school someday and having more family support during school buoyed me. The idea helped me see that my original grad school didn’t hold the only keys to my future.

After I left grad school, I learned that sometimes the thing you fear and dread the most is exactly what you need to do. 

Over the last two years, there have definitely been plenty of times when I’ve felt sad about leaving grad school unexpectedly and not finishing my degree. However, not being in school opened up lots of professional opportunities I would have had to turn down if I had stayed in grad school. In my time away from school, I feel like I’ve found myself like never before. I work with a start-up part-time and freelance on the side as well, and I love being in industry as opposed to academia.

So why go back?

The way I see it, if I want to make the year of grad school I already did count the most, then I need to finish the master’s degree. I worked my butt off that year, so I want to earn that degree. 

Half a master’s degree doesn’t earn you much. I happened to be in the right place at the right time (and with the right expertise due to undergrad) to get in with this company, but usually, the top people in my field have graduate degrees. Every day, I’m working with people who all have more degrees than I do. I have wonderful colleagues who value me despite my lack of graduate degrees, but down the road, I will have more options with at least a master’s degree.

Moreover, there are some additional training and research opportunities that are unique to academia. It will be great to have the chance to learn more and get even better at what I do.

Why do I think I’m well enough for grad school?

I decided against applying for 2020-21 because I felt like my health wasn’t where I wanted it to be yet. But I’m optimistic about 2021-22 (and beyond).

Recently, I’ve made a lot of progress in my health. My resting heart rate has dropped to the low 70s compared to the 100s a year ago. The other day, I walked a quarter mile and didn’t crash, whereas the same walk a year ago caused a crash for three weeks. Mentally, I’m 70-100% every day. I regularly work for three or four hours without triggering a flare up. I’ve even been able to dramatically reduce two of my three psychotropic medications! 

I am feeling hopeful and starting to dare to imagine being able to do things like go for a walk every day or do my own housework. I believe I can go to grad school part-time without causing harm.

This time will also be different because I can keep living at home. Continuing to have my family’s support will make a huge difference. 

Taking my own advice to heart…

Something I advise in my upcoming self-help memoir on college and chronic illness is that there’s no such thing as the best school in the country. The best school is where you can thrive both as a person and academically. And for any given person, that usually won’t be whatever school U.S. News has ranked the highest this year. 

So now I’m practicing what I preach in realizing that this school really is a better place for me to be at this time.

I struggled at my old school sometimes because everyone was just as good or better than me. On the one hand, it was stimulating to be surrounded by such smart people, but on the other, I would often compare myself and beat myself up for not being the best—and I never was the best.

But this new school has great faculty and is well-respected within my field, even though the name is not as flashy as where I was before. I will always be taken seriously with a degree from there, and I think I may get more attention in the new program. 

Final words of wisdom

April is often when people find out which colleges or grad schools they were accepted to. If you read my blog, you probably have a chronic illness or know someone who does. So I would like to encourage all of you to not be afraid to choose the school where you can be your best self, including health-wise and as a whole person. And also don’t be afraid to go to community college for a year or two so you can have some support from your family and minimize debt (I went myself!).

Don’t go somewhere only because it seems impressive if there’s somewhere else that will be a better fit for you. School is what you make out of it––the opportunities you find and create, the people you meet, and how you spend your time at school. What others think about the name of the school is far less important.

It might seem really scary to take some time off school to work on your health or turn down admission to a particular school, but sometimes it really is the scariest thing that ends up being the right decision…

A 3-Month Post-Rituxan Update

Three months since starting the new treatment, Rituxan, I can finally say that I’ve made obvious progress. It’s been anything but linear, and yet I’m more hopeful than I have been in a long time.

You may have noticed I’m not posting on here much, and my Facebook and Twitter profiles also haven’t been updated. But this is actually great news. It means I’m busy living my life and don’t really want to think or write about my illnesses. 

However, I know there are people out there wondering how I’m doing, and I don’t want to break my six-year streak of posting once every calendar month. So I’m finally logging back on to give an update.

Continue reading “A 3-Month Post-Rituxan Update”

When the Normal Is Extraordinary: Recovery from PANS and the Pandemic

If there’s anything we can all agree on right now, it’s that nothing is normal at the moment.

Maybe you’ve had to work or do school at home for nine months. Your favorite businesses are closing down. Most everyone is wearing masks on the rare occasions when you brave the grocery store. There is a constant sense of impending doom that we have all become accustomed to, for one reason or another. Continue reading “When the Normal Is Extraordinary: Recovery from PANS and the Pandemic”

Rituxan and the Waiting Game…

I’ve finished my first two rounds of Rituximab infusions and am happy to report that they went very well! 

To be honest, I was terrified of this IV medicine after reading about the potential side-effects of killing your immune system’s B cells. So let’s just say that after getting through the first five-hour infusion, I felt downright triumphant for facing my fear. Continue reading “Rituxan and the Waiting Game…”

Done Treading Water: Why I’m Really Doing Rituxan This Time

I’m starting a year of Rituximab infusions.

This is an IV biologic medication that kills your B cells. Yes, I’m wiping out a chunk of my immune system in the middle of a global pandemic. Yes, I’ve just signed on to do this every three months for at least a year. Rituxan is not a medicine you get prescribed unless you’re seriously ill—and apparently I am.

That last part is not exactly news to me, though it’s something I don’t like to admit. My baseline hasn’t met diagnostic criteria for PANS in over two years, meaning my mind is basically fine, some brain fog notwithstanding. Thus, I’m often able to work part-time and enjoy it, and I’m able to be social with my friends virtually—neither of which were so easy when I had classic PANS.

Continue reading “Done Treading Water: Why I’m Really Doing Rituxan This Time”

Self-Sabotage: Peeling Back the Onion of Baggage from Being Sick

Last week, I did something wild: I signed myself up for a multi-week professional development program.

I already have so much going on with finishing my book, but I’d applied a while ago to this selective program. So once they accepted me, how could I say no? Besides, I believe it will also indirectly help me with my book by making me structure my days better.

The fact I’m attempting this program is a big deal to me for a lot of reasons, but largely because of what it says about my mental state. For so many years while fighting PANS, I just didn’t have it in me to invest much in myself or my career. On the outside, my professors would praise my efforts because I was successful between flare-ups. On the inside, it was often half-hearted, and I constantly questioned if I even wanted to be in my field anymore or not.

Continue reading “Self-Sabotage: Peeling Back the Onion of Baggage from Being Sick”

My 6-Year Blogversary, My Greatest Hope, & What’s Next

Ten days ago, on my actual blogversary, I had a nice 6-year anniversary post planned—the usual reflection on how I started blogging and how much it means to me. And I still stand by my belief that making this website and chronicling my journey through neuroimmune conditions and their psychiatric consequences has been one of the most meaningful things I’ve ever done.

But I somehow could not bring this post in for a landing, which tends to happen when I feel like I have to post something rather than feeling inspired. So I stepped back and thought about what was going on. And now it’s time to be honest… Continue reading “My 6-Year Blogversary, My Greatest Hope, & What’s Next”

Guest Blog: The Challenges of Being a Teenager with a Chronic Illness, by Olivia Cyr

Today, I’m thrilled to have a guest blogger, Olivia Cyr. She is seventeen and lives with a few chronic conditions including dysautonomia, OCD, and anxiety. Olivia has been featured on The Mighty, and her perspective as a teenager dealing with these issues is important.

Being a teenager is hard. I don’t think that many would dispute that fact. Between boy/girl drama, friendship struggles, school, teachers, homework, a job for some, and more, teens often don’t get the credit they deserve for juggling all they have. 

Continue reading “Guest Blog: The Challenges of Being a Teenager with a Chronic Illness, by Olivia Cyr”

My Disastrous Symptom Flare & How I Plan to Get Out of It

Before I’d even opened my eyes, I knew something was terribly wrong. Every muscle in my body hurt. I was drenched in sweat. My heart was racing. I had an 101º fever.

As I lay there trying to will myself out of bed, my heart-monitor watch went off, warning of a high heart rate. I didn’t think much of it because I had a fever, so of course my heart would be above 100.

But then it kept going off. Again. And again.

Not having it, I rolled over and slapped on my blood pressure cuff. My pulse was 166. Crap crap crap! This was really happening again.

Continue reading “My Disastrous Symptom Flare & How I Plan to Get Out of It”

Remember M.E.: Why I’m Missing Today

Today was Graduation Day for my master’s degree…

But I’m not graduating.

And I don’t mean that I’m not getting an in-person ceremony, the same as the rest of the class of 2020. I mean that I’m not graduating because my illness forced me to leave grad school halfway through a degree.

For years, I had planned on going to grad school, getting a PhD, and then becoming a professor. I liked school and liked the tutoring job I had in college, so I thought teaching and researching at a university was what I wanted. Continue reading “Remember M.E.: Why I’m Missing Today”